I’m pleased to be able to tell you folks that I applied for and was accepted as a contributing author for the upcoming Freedom Kitchens website. Freedom Kitchens is an expansion site from the awesome Dervaeses, the folks who brought you Path to Freedom and Freedom Gardens. Freedom Kitchens is not active yet, but will […]
I may never buy another grocery-store wa...
This beauty is from my backyard. Sweet, crisp, delicious, with a sugary afterglow that lasts … mmmm. It’s so good you can chew practically down to the green rind. These are Sugar Baby watermelons. We only got two, because I accidentally stepped on one. /: The other’s larger and will be picked and eaten shortly […]
Back to Wendell Berry
I wanted to tell you folks that I really think you should take a few hours and read Wendell Berry’s book, Bringing It To The Table. There are really good essays in there, and I want to point you in particular at a couple which I was moved by. The first examines how we have […]
Tamarind Morokyu
I’m currently reading a handful of food books — I do that all the time. The one I’m poking at today, though, is Eric Gower’s The Breakaway Cook. (He’s also the gentleman who writes the Breakaway Cook blog — tasty stuff over there — go check him out!) Anyway, so I have this pile of […]
[CSA Adventures] Winding down
Well, folks … My garden has been so abundant with produce that … er … well … I sent an email to my CSA today, canceling our service for the next quarter. I really enjoyed it, but at this point, I’m growing more food than we need. I’m growing so much that I took extra […]
Reminder: Seafood Watch
I love fish. I love them in the wild, in the aquarium, and I also love them on my plate for dinner. What I don’t love is how the fishing industries are treating the fish, and I don’t love the fact that most of us are really uninformed about how these fish live, how they’re […]
Current Reading
Wendell Berry’s Bringing It to the Table: On Farming and Food. Only halfway through. Fantastic read so far, especially in how he relates how the industrial concept (bigger, better, faster, mechanized) doesn’t work when applied to human society itself. Recommended. On a related note, given that it got mentioned in Berry’s book, do they really […]
Utah 2010
It’s taken me a while to get around to blogging about Utah. Which is, honestly, a shame. I was hoping to manage to incorporate some of the less-busy aspects of my vacation back into my normal life. Sad to say, this has not happened. Life has been a whirlwind since I got back. (I will […]
Mesquite Rolls
(Yes, I still owe you folks a Utah update. I’ve been writing it, I just haven’t finished it yet. It’s sitting in my Drafts folder. Only so many hours in the day.) It was finally, finally, FINALLY cool enough to bake tonight. Which is a good thing, ’cause we just ran out of hamburger and […]
Cucumber Buttermilk Soup
A refreshing soup for a hot day! And it’s really easy. (And it’s a really fast way to use up some of the million cucumbers you’ve got building up from your garden and your CSA box … ) I didn’t totally make it up — there are lots of recipes like this out there with […]