Title says it all. Never a good thing when you don’t like looking at your own site because it looks awful on mobile. I intend to spend some time banging on it later this week and hopefully get it squared away. Much easier to return to regularly scheduled content when you like what you see.
Clearing the Drainage Ditch, Part 2
It’s going. I do about three wheelbarrows full of rocks about four times a week. That’s about two feet at a stretch. Definite progress from last time! I’m doing chop-and-drop with the plants that have grown it over, and using them as mulch. That hillside could use a lot of mulch … heck, it […]
[Garden] Drainage Ditch Clearout, Part 1
I spent yesterday acquiring a wheelbarrow with the help of my buddy John. Thanks, John! It’s a good thing I did. Y’see, we have this great backyard, with an enormous slope, and the nice folks who built our property installed a drainage ditch near its base. I wish I could say it was a swale, […]