The more we’ve been keeping a tight focus on Mark’s blood sugar, the more I’ve found that bean recipes are both tasty and good sources of filling, slow-digesting carbs. We used to rarely eat them, but now I find myself cooking them once or twice a week and trying to come up with new and […]
Three Ingredient Fruit Salad
Three Ingredient Fruit Salad Serves two. 1 kiwi 1 tangelo 3 Medjool dates Peel and chop the kiwi, pit and chop the dates, peel and supreme the tangelo. Better to supreme than segment, tangelo membranes are tough and not so fun to eat. Combine all in a small bowl and squeeze the tangelo membrane over […]
[Basics] Creamy Cucumber Salad
Last-minute throw-together last night. Simple, easy, refreshing, and fast. No leftovers, so no pictures, sorry! Creamy Cucumber Salad 1 large English cucumber 1 large clove garlic, minced 2 generous Tbsp. sour cream 2 generous Tbsp. mayonnaise juice of half a lime or lemon one large sprig of basil, minced salt, pepper, paprika to taste Peel […]
Quick Southwestern Potato Salad
Just jotting this down because I made it up tonight, and it ROCKED. You’re lucky there were leftovers, or there would be nooooo pictures to prove I made it. (; Quick Southwestern Potato Salad Serves 2-4 12 red creamer potatoes 1 large green onion, chopped 1/2 a small red bell pepper, chopped 1 clove garlic, […]
Extreme Raw Kale Salad My Way
I’ve seen some recipes for raw kale salads floating around on the interwebs, and I’ve tried them, and they were OK, but they weren’t what I wanted today. Today, my body flat-out demanded Raw. Kale. Now. OK, OK, OK, says I. Here you go: Extreme Italian Kale Salad Serves 1 3 leaves lascianato (dinosaur) kale, […]
Vegetable Tart and Marinated Lettuce Sal...
Two things: One, I’m a dork and forgot to take pictures of dinner while I was making it. Sorry. Two: dinner was so good I totally forgot to take pictures of it before it was gone. Hee. Which is a long way of saying: no pictures today, sorry. But you want to try this, pictures […]
Oh yeah, that zucchini salad
I did promise a post about that too, didn’t I? Last post for the night, and then I’ll be mostly caught up. (: Thanks for bearing with me! So like any crazy person who plants zucchini, we’ve already got plenty growing off of just one plant. And of course, there’s some in the CSA box. […]